
Aids / HIV

835 bytes added, 07:32, 2 November 2015
/* Home remedies */
* [[Astragalus]] acts as an immune booster in the treatment of HIV. It also offers benefits in preventing viral infections due to its immunostimulant effects, according to the Huntington College of Health Sciences. Astragalus is normally prescribed for the initial stage of HIV infection to prevent or retard the spread of retrovirus, a type of virus that causes AIDS.
* [[Lemon Balm]] has antiviral activity against a variety of viruses, including herpes simplex virus (HSV) and HIV-1
* Cinnamomum zeylanicum has therapeutic activity in HIV-associated oral candidiasis.
* [[Ozone therapy]] is used to treat AIDS.
* [[Ganoderma]] has been shown to strengthen immunity as well as combat cancer-cell proliferation.
* [[Larch Arabinogalactan]] is used for infections, including the common cold, flu, H1N1 (swine) flu, ear infections in children, and HIV/AIDS.
* [[Kaempferol]] has shown anti-viral activity against several viruses including influenza virus and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).
* [[Whey Protein]] concentrate supplementation can stimulate glutathione synthesis and, possibly, decrease the occurence of associated co-infections.
*[[Curcumin]] is an effective treatment for HIV-associated diarrhea.
* A polyphenol and antioxidant rich fruit and vegetable concentrate has therapeutic value in HIV patients due to enhanced proliferation, which could restore disturbances in T-cell homeostasis.
* [[Neem]] leaf extract safely increases CD4 cell levels in patients with HIV/AIDS.
* [[Selenium]] supplementation suppresses the progression of HIV-1 viral burden and improves CD4 count.
* [[Sumac]] (Rhus chinensis) contains compounds with anti-HIV activity.
* [[Lactoferrin]] (from milk) may inhibit HIV virus infection in children.
== Warnings ==
Bureaucrat, administrator