
Dental Plaque

7 bytes removed, 07:11, 17 January 2016
/* Natural Remedies */
* [[Tannins]] : Most noticeable among tannins’ many characteristics is their being astringent. This styptic power binds proteins located on the surface of the mouth, thereby making the harmful bacteria in the mouth ineffective while putting in check the buildup of plaque and preventing tooth decay.
*[[Xylitol]] : In addition to preventing cavities, consuming xylitol in small amounts helps decrease plaque formation, and promotes salivation to prevent “dry mouth”, which aids in enhancing mineral absorption for repairing damaged tooth enamel, while increasing tooth strength.
* [[Coconut]] oil already has antibacterial properties and is much safer than the endocrine-disrupting triclosan found in many fluoridated toothpastes. You can even use coconut oil as toothpaste if you like! Research suggests it can actually slow the growth of some bacteria that can lead to tooth decay. [3] Another study suggests oil pulling–or oil swishing–with coconut oil can also lead to a significant decrease in overall plaque. [4
*[[Cranberries]] : cranberry pills contain properties that inhibit bacteria from adhering to the teeth and gums, reducing the risk for plaque build-up and periodontal disease, according to the Nutritional Supplement Educational Centre.
*[[Sesame Seeds]] : Sesame seed oil has been used for oral health for thousands of years in the traditional Indian medical tradition known as Ayurveda in a process known as “oil pulling.” It involves swishing sesame seed oil in the mouth for prolonged durations and has been said to prevent teeth decay, halitosis, bleeding gums, dry throat, and for strengthening the teeth, gums and jaw. Clinical research now confirms that it compares favorably to chemical mouthwash (chlorhexidine) in improving plaque-induced gingivitis,and that it is capable of reducing Streptococcus mutans growth associated with oral plaque formation. (see also : [[Oil pulling]])
Bureaucrat, administrator