
Breast Cancer

34 bytes added, 05:26, 24 July 2016
/* Home remedies */
* superfood cocktail : [[curcumin]] (or turmeric), [[Isoflavones]] from soybeans, Indo-3-Carbinol from [[Cruciferous Vegetables]], C-phyocyanin from [[Spirulina]], [[Resveratrol]] from grapes and [[Quercetin]] from fruits, vegetables and tea. A team from LSU Health Sciences Center in New Orleans first tested these six compounds individually at bioavailable levels and then tested them in combination. They found that individually they were ineffective at killing breast cancer cells, but when combined together they became lethal to breast cancer cells. The combination suppressed breast cancer cell growth by more than 80 percent, stopping migration and invasion.
* [[Cloves]] : Researchers found that the clove extract halted the activity and growth of the colon cancer cells, the breast cancer cells, the ovarian cancer cells, the liver cancer and the colon cancer cells.
* Healing saints : [[St. Agatha]]
== Alternative treatments ==
Bureaucrat, administrator