
Tualang Honey

0 bytes added, 17:57, 23 November 2016
/* Benefits and uses of Tualang Honey */
* Reduces acute respiratory symptoms : Hajj pilgrims in Mecca who took tualang honey daily had a lower incidence of acute respiratory symptoms compared to those who did not consume it (in a randomised controlled trial).
* Helps in genital conditions:It improves the sperm count, increases sperm motility, and increases some female hormones.It ameliorates the toxic effects of cigarette smoke on spermatogenesis and the testosterone level (in male Sprague-Dawley rats).Tualang honey is considered by some to be the natural equivalent of “hormone replacement therapy”. Short-term memory is improved in post-menopausal women following the administration of tualang honey, which is comparable to the increase in short-term memory observed after the administration of estrogen/progesterone combination therapy. The administration of tualang honey also attenuates atrophy in uterine tissue and increases vaginal epithelium thickness. It is also associated with a lower post-menopausal increase in body weight.
* Helps in cardiovascular conditions : Other studies made on rats and humans, have showed that tualang honey has the potential to reduce cardiovascular risk factors in healthy individuals.It also decreases systolic blood pressure and reduces levels of triglycerides and very low density lipoprotein (VLDL) (in diabetic spontaneously hypertensive rats).
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