
Athlete’s Foot

4 bytes added, 16:30, 4 December 2016
/* Home remedies */
== Home remedies ==
* Prevention : The most important thing is to practice proper personal hygiene. Dry your feet thoroughly, especially the area in between your toes, before you put on your socks (read: clean socks). Cutting your toenails short, wearing comfortable shoes, and using anti-fungal talcum powder are only some of the many tips that you should keep in mind.
* [[Eucalyptus citriodora ]] is a powerful fungicidal and bactericidal essential oil, and a valuable asset when treating athletes foot.
*[[Baking Soda]] : Baking soda has been used inside the homes as a cleansing agent and it has also been for personal hygiene over the years. Also used for dry, flaky skin, baking soda can help stop athlete’s foot in its tracks. Because the athlete’s foot fungus, the Tricophytonrubrum, thrives in damp, moist and wet areas, it would serve you best to stop the dampness, moisture and wetness. Simply sprinkle baking soda into your shoes and it will do the trick of absorbing water and keeping it relatively free of moisture and dampness.
*Cornstarch : Because of its close relation to baking soda, cornstarch may also help you deal with the athlete’s foot fungus. All you have to do is to directly rub your feet with cornstarch. Rub them especially on the areas in between your toes as the cornstarch will absorb the moisture present there, keeping the area dry all throughout the day.
Bureaucrat, administrator