
Celiac Disease

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Other Names : Coeliac Disease, gluten enteropathy, Coeliac sprue.<br> Coeliac disease is a condition that causes inflammation in the lining of part of the gut (the small intestine). Coeliac disease is not a food allergy or a food intolerance. It is an autoimmune disease.
See also : [[Gluten Sensitivity]]
== Symptoms ==
The inflammation in the lining of the gut (small intestine) stops food from being properly absorbed. You then do not absorb nutrients very well into your body. A variety of symptoms may then develop.* Babies : Symptoms first develop soon after weaning when the baby starts eating solid foods containing gluten. The baby may fail to grow or to gain weight. As food is not being absorbed properly, the stools (faeces) may be pale and bulky. Smelly diarrhoea may occur. The tummy (abdomen) may become swollen. The baby may be sick (vomit) repeatedly.* Older children : The symptoms of coeliac disease in older children may be similar to those in babies. Poor absorption of food may cause deficiencies of vitamins, iron and other nutrients. This may cause anaemia and other problems. As the fat part of the diet is poorly absorbed, the faeces may be pale, smelly and difficult to flush away. Diarrhoea may develop. However, the symptoms may not be very typical or obvious. If the gut and bowel symptoms are only mild then the first thing that may be noticed is poor growth.* Adults : Poor absorption of food may cause deficiencies of vitamins, iron and other nutrients. Anaemia due to poor absorption of iron is common. Other common symptoms include abdominal pains which tend to come and go, excess wind, bloating, diarrhoea and tiredness or weakness. Mouth ulcers may occur. You may lose weight due to poor absorption of food. However, most adults with coeliac disease do not lose weight and are not underweight. Occasionally, an itchy skin condition called dermatitis herpetiformis can occur in some people with coeliac disease.
== Home remedies ==
* Gluten-free diet : The main treatment for coeliac disease is not to eat any food that contains gluten for the rest of your life. The symptoms then usually go within a few weeks. The main foods to stop are any that contain wheat, barley or rye. Many common foods contain these ingredients, such as breads, pasta, cakes, pastries and some cereals. Potatoes, rice, maize, corn, fruit, dairy products and soya-based foods are fine.
* [[Horsetail]] tea : The tea is rich in silicic acid, potassium, aluminum, flavonoids including manganese.
* [[Dandelion]] Tea
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