

26 bytes added, 07:31, 2 January 2017
* High blood pressure.
* [[Acid Reflux Disease (GERD )]] : persimmon Persimmon in general and persimmon drinks in particular are very effective as a heartburn home remedy. The following cinnamon, ginger, persimmon mix was is surprisingly effective for many people : This is a Korean new year's recipe called Soo Jeung Kwa or Persimmon Punch : Take a bowl and mix 2 quarts of water, 4 cinnamon sticks and 1/8 Lb of thinly sliced fresh ginger. Let it simmer for 1/2 hour, strain the liquid get rid of the ginger and leave the cinnamon. Add 1 cup of sugar to the hot liquid and then 3 whole dried persimmons sliced into pieces. Let it stay overnight in the fridge and serve cold.
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