
St. John's wort

170 bytes added, 06:09, 13 May 2017
/* The benefits of St. John's wort are */
*Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) : St. John’s wort has also been suggested as a possible treatment for OCD because the same medications (antidepressants) are often used for OCD, and because of promising results from a preliminary study. A later study on St. John's wort, however, didn’t find it more effective than a placebo for OCD.
*Skin Conditions : Oil of St. John's wort, applied to the skin, was a folk remedy for skin injuries, nerve pain, burns and hemorrhoids. Although the oil is sold in some herbal stores, creams are also available. Some are standardized to hypericin or hyperforin, which are thought to have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects. St. John's wort also contains tannins, naturally occurring compounds thought to relieve skin irritations, such as those resulting from minor cuts.
* Cancer : Research in the online medical journal PLoS One, found that an active ingredient known as hypericin was highly effective against the invasive cancer melanoma.
*Ear Pain : Some alternative practitioners recommend St. John's wort for ear pain due to an ear infection (otitis media). In a study of more than 100 children, a combination herbal ear drop that contained St. John's wort, garlic, calendula and mullein was found to be as effective as conventional ear drops.
*Smoking Cessation : St. John's wort is being explored for smoking cessation. Although promising, well-designed studies are needed.
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