

916 bytes added, 09:07, 10 October 2017
/* Health Benefits and Uses of Eggs */
* In traditional Chinese medicine, eggs are recommended to strengthen the blood and increase energy by enhancing digestive and kidney function.
* Eggs Are Highly Fulfilling and Tend to Make You Eat Fewer Calories, Helping You Lose Weight
* Egg whites to help improve sleeping. One traditional Chinese medicine text books called “ Ben cao jing ji zhu” mentions that egg whites have cooling effects which act primarily on the heart and kidney. Chinese medicine considers that some sleeping problems are associated with heart and kidney disorders. It is believed that the heart is unable to bring blood to the kidneys and the kidneys are unable to bring fluid to the heart (this is from the yin, yang and five elements theory). These people ay suffer from the following symptoms, as well as the sleeping issues; very emotional, stress, unsettled, palpitations, vivid dreams, easily awoken, frequent urination at night time, lower back pain or lethargy. I suggest that if you suffer from these types of insomnia you can drink warm egg whites and milk whilst you are undergoing treatment. You can drink this a 2 hours before you go to bed 3 times a week.
Bureaucrat, administrator