

305 bytes added, 09:09, 10 October 2017
/* Special Precautions of Eggs */
* Heart Disesase : Some studies have found that people with diabetes who eat eggs have an increased risk of heart disease.
* Bacteria - people are advised to avoid eating raw or undercooked eggs. Bacteria can enter the egg through pores in the shells. In the U.S., all eggs graded by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) are washed with a sanitizing rinse during the screening stage at a processing plant. In the U.S., egg products - eggs removed from their shells for factory processing - distributed for consumption are required by law to undergo a process called pasteurization. During this process, eggs are rapidly heated and kept at a high temperature for a period of time to kill off any Salmonella bacteria. Eggs should be avoided if their shells are cracked or if they are past expiration date.
* Antibody production : According to researcher Laura Power, PhD, eggs elicit negative Immunoglobulin G (IgG) rises in all blood types. Immunoglobulin G (IgG) are antibodies. Simply put, this means that all blood types respond to eggs as a foreign invader and fight against them to one extent or another.
==Health Benefits and Uses of Eggs==
Bureaucrat, administrator