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/* Benefits and uses of Helichrysum are */
Among all types of essential oils, helichrysum is one of the most prized, due its chemical compounds that ease a number of conditions. It contains high levels of sesquiterpenes, which are anti-inflammatory agents. Helichrysum essential oil also has anticoagulant and skin healing properties, due to a high level of di-ketone, which stimulates tissues to heal faster, and esters, chemical compounds that prevent tissue breakdown and dilate blood vessels. Helichrysum essential oil is typically used to treat the following conditions:
*Skin Care : Abscess, acne, allergic conditions, boils, burns, cuts, dermatitis, eczema, inflammation, spots, promote the healing of wounds and burns, reverse signs of aging in the skin, insect bites, sunburn.
* It is highly effective in formulas for diminishing scars and stretch marks, particularly when added to rose hip seed oil.
*Reduce inflammation
* fight fungal infections
* Circulation, muscles and joints : Muscular aches and pains, rheumatism, sprains, strained muscles
* respiratory Sustem : Asthma, bronchitis, chronic coughs, whooping cough
* Boost the immune system : Bacterial infections, colds, flu, fever
* Carpal tunnel syndrome
* Nervous System : Depression, anxiety, debility, lethargy, nervous exhaustion, neuralgia, stress-related conditions. In a small pilot study published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine in 2013, researchers determined that a mixture of peppermint, basil, and helichrysum essential oils was more effective than a placebo at reducing the perceived level of mental fatigue and burnout.*Reduce inflammation* fight fungal infectionsMental : It heals physical and emotional scarring, opens the heart, connects body and spirit, and opens human beings to spiritual life.
[[Category:Essential oil]]
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