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/* The benefits of Capsaicin are */
==The benefits of Capsaicin are==
* Cancer : when consumed with 6-gingerol, it can in fact inhibit the growth of tumors.
*Destroys Cancer Cells : Capsaicin prevents the replication of prostate cancer cells, according to a 2006 study published in "Cancer Research" led by Akio Mori of the University of California at Los Angeles School of Medicine. Prostate cancer is the third leading cause of cancer death in the United States. The disease usually affects older men. In 2010, there were 217,730 new prostate cancer cases and 32,050 deaths, according to the National Cancer Institute.
*Pain Management : Capsaicin alleviates pain by wearing down the pain messangers in an injured area. Specifically, when capsaicin is applied to an inflamed or injured area, it stimulates a pain messager called substance P. Each time the capsaicin is applied, more substance P is released until no more is available and the nervous system no longer recognizes the pain in the affected area, according to the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center. The pain relief is temporary and must be repeatedly applied.
*Indigestion Treatment : Capsaicin's pain treatment properties can also be applied internally to treat digestive disorders. According to the University of Pittsburg Medical Center, oral consumption of capsaicin reduces the pain associated with indigestion. The compound depletes substance P in the stomach, and temporarily relieves the burning sensation that characterizes dyspepsia.* Cancer : when consumed with 6-gingerol, it can in fact inhibit the growth of tumors.*Prostate Cancer : Capsaicin prevents the replication of prostate cancer cells, according to a 2006 study published in "Cancer Research" led by Akio Mori of the University of California at Los Angeles School of Medicine. Prostate cancer is the third leading cause of cancer death in the United States. The disease usually affects older men. In 2010, there were 217,730 new prostate cancer cases and 32,050 deaths, according to the National Cancer Institute.
*Capsaicin may also prevent stomach ulcers caused by drugs used to treat inflammation, such as aspirin.
* boosts metabolism : Capsaicin contains properties that stimulate energy releasing by consuming three percent more calories, especially when taken before exercising. Also, due to faster lipid metabolism, you will consume more calories even while at resting state, like while sleeping.
* improves stamina : According to clinical findings, taking capsaicin-rich foods helps in lasting longer during heavy workouts and aids in faster recovery after every strenuous physical activity. This is possible by increasing the body's oxygen intake by up to 7.5 percent, making the lungs stronger and oxygen absorption by the blood higher.
* Capsaicin also lowered total cholesterol levels. The spicy compound also helped break down cholesterol so the body could turn it into waste.
* The spicy compound also blocked Vlockes a gene that makes arteries contract. The blockage allows more blood to flow through the blood vessels.
*Capsaicin's cuts the size of deposits that were already formed in blood vessels. These deposits can narrow arteries, which can lead to heart attack or stroke.
*capsaicin blocks a gene that produces cyclooxygenase-2, a substance that affects the muscles around blood vessels and prohibits blood flow.
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