

407 bytes added, 18:11, 7 December 2017
/* The benefits of Propolis are */
**Diabetes : Findings from animal-based research indicate that propolis may aid in the treatment of diabetes. In a 2005 study published in Pharmological Research, for example, tests on diabetic rats revealed that treatment with propolis helped lower blood sugar levels and reduce cholesterol.
* Propolis enhances the immune system
* some studies show suppressing of HIV-1 replication.([[HIV/AIDS]])* Prevents Dental Cavities : Greek and Roman physicians used propolis as mouth disinfectant. Modern studies show it may be effective in the treatment of periodontitis and gingivitis. Many studies have also found that extracts from bee glue limit bacterial plaque and reduce tooth caries. Other studies show that propolis may even help regenerate dental pulp,[vi] as well as bone tissue,[vii] and cartilage(
[[Category:home remedies]]
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