
Pluchea indica

408 bytes added, 17:53, 21 January 2018
Other Names : Beluntas, Baccharis indica, Khlu, Indian camphorweed, luntas, kayu, pras anbok, cuc tan, cay luc, tu bi, kalapini.
==Special Precautions of Pluchea indica==
* Pregnant Women are prohibited from consuming this plant and not good for women because it can reduce woman's fertility.
* To lower body temperature, so much sweat that comes out and the body temperature to drop.
* Lowering Heat : Brewed beluntas like brewing tea leaves, then drink until normal body temperature.
* may hold the key to a cure for amoebiasis, a disease caused by the parasite Entamoeba histolytica that mostly hits the poor. A team of researchers from Jadavpur University and Indian Institute of Chemical Biology, both in Kolkata, have isolated a compound from the root of this plant that stops the growth of the parasite.
[[Category: Treatments]]
[[Category:Herbal medicine]]
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