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/* Food Sources of Calcium and Glucaric Acid */
== Food Sources of Calcium and Glucaric Acid ==
You can increase your intake of both calcium and glucaric acid by including certain foods in your diet. For instance, foods rich in calcium include dark green leafy vegetables, dairy products, and calcium-fortified cereals and soy products. Meanwhile, glucaric acid is available in the following foods:
**Vegetables : Broccoli, cabbage, kale and other members of the cabbage family have very high glucaric acid content. The "Journal of Nutrition" notes that vegetables belonging to the gourd family, including squash, watermelon and pumpkins also contain high glucaric acid. Lettuce, tomatoes and peppers are some other vegetables containing glucaric acid.**Fruits : Of the fruits, oranges, apples and grapefruits contain the highest levels of glucaric acid. Other fruits with high glucaric acid content are those belonging to the Rosaceae family, which include strawberries and raspberries among others. Apricots, cherries and citrus fruits also contain glucaric acid.**Legumes : Legumes such as peas, beans, lentils, soy and peanuts also contain high amounts of glucaric acid. The glucaric acid in bean sprouts is about 350 mg/100 g compared to only 10 mg/100 g in lettuce and grapes, according to "Journal of Nutrition."**[[Kombucha]] is also very high in Glucaric acid, which has been shown to prevent cancer
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