
Persian Hogweed

0 bytes added, 07:53, 11 November 2018
/* Health Benefits and uses of Persian Hogweed */
* This plant has antioxidant, anticonvulsant, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, anti-helminths and immunomodulatory activities.
* Fruit extract of H. persicum is composed of terpenoids, monoterpenes, isoterpenoid, pimpinellin, iso- pimpinellin, bergapten, isobergapten and spending.
* Angiographic : The impact of supplementation with H. persicum fruits on serum lipid concentrations in a group of patients with minimal coronary artery disease was investigated. The findings showed that serum triglycerides levels were reduced after H. persicum extract supplementation in a borderline significant manner (p=0.063). Short-term supplementationwith H. persicum fruit extract might be used as an adjunctive treatment for patients with hypertriglyceridemia. The effects of supplementation with H. persicum fruit on the angiographic findings of patients with minimal coronary artery disease (CAD) was examined. The results do not support any clinically significant benefit of supplementation with H. persicum extract on the angiographic findings of in patients with minimal CAD.
* Antioxidant : The efficacy of supplementation with Heracleum persicum fruit-a common dietary spice-in modulating systemic biomarkers of oxidative stress in subjects undergoing coronary angiography was investigated. The findings of the present randomized double-blind placebo-controlled trial clearly support the efficacy of H. persicum fruit extract as a safe antioxidant supplement in subjects with minimal CAD.
* Anti-Candida Activity : The in vitro anti-Candida activity of the hydroalcoholic extracts of Heracleum persicum fruit was investigated. The results of this survey confirmed that tested plant extract had a potential anti-Candida activity. Hence, it is suggested to isolate and identify its active compounds in future.
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