
Persian Hogweed

118 bytes added, 17:48, 19 March 2019
/* Health Benefits and uses of Persian Hogweed */
* Infertility : The Persian hogweed plant is investigated to study its effect on folliculogenesis and ovarian tissue. Studies show that the extract of the plant may have inhibitory effect on folliculogenesis. So, use of the Heracleum persicum extract could cause infertility in females.
==Health Benefits and uses of Persian Hogweed==
Used as : carminative, antiseptic, digestive, analgesic, anticonvulsant, flatulence, stomachs, epilepsy, pain killer
* Golpar is one of the 51 plants used to treat Tabe Reba (malaria like fever) in Iranian traditional medicine.
* This plant has antioxidant, anticonvulsant, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, anti-helminths and immunomodulatory activities.
* Anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties : The anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects of the hydroalcoholic extract and essential oil of the plant fruits and analyzing the essential oil was evaluated. The results clearly show the analgesic and anti inflammatory effects of the plant essential oil and hydroalcoholic extract. Further studies are needed to clarify the mechanism of action and the components responsible for these pharmacological effects.
* Anticonvulsant : The anticonvulsant activity of acetone extract of the seeds of Heracleum persicum (Umbelliferae) was examined against pentylenetetrazole. The extract showed a dose-dependent protective effect in both seizure models. However, the sedative dose of the extract, examined by rotarod test, was close to the anticonvulsant doses. Preliminary phytochemical analysis showed the presence of alkaloids, terpenoids, triterpenes and steroids in the extract. The observed pharmacological effects could be due to alkaloids, terpenoids and triterpenes present in the plant.
* Coruh N, Celep AS, Özgökçe F. Food chem . 2007;100(3):1237-42.
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