

72 bytes added, 11:53, 1 September 2019
/* Natural Remedies */
* [[Acmella Oleracea]] : has been used as a remedy for malaria, elephantiasis, arthritis, and dysentery. Acmella oleracea has antibiotic, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, and antiseptic properties.
* [[Pterocarpus Marsupium]] (Indian kino) has got abundant medicinal and therapeutic properties which help in treating the conditions like diarrhea, elephantiasis, rectalgia, leucoderma, dysentery, grey hair and cough.
* In Chinese medicine [[White Mulberry]] leaves are given by injection.
* [[Probiotics]]: Probiotics are beneficial bacteria (sometimes referred to as "friendly germs") that help to maintain the health of the intestinal tract and aid in digestion. Limited evidence with day care children suggests that supplementation with Lactobacillus GG may reduce the number of sick days, frequency of respiratory tract infections, and frequency of related antibiotic treatments. Fermented milk (with yogurt cultures and L. casei DN-114001) may reduce the duration of winter infections (gastrointestinal and respiratory), as well as average body temperature, in elderly people. Probiotics are generally considered safe and well-tolerated. Avoid if allergic or hypersensitive to probiotics. Use cautiously if lactose intolerant.
* [[Oregano]]: Early study shows that taking oregano by mouth may help treat parasites. Further research is needed to confirm these results. Avoid in individuals with a known allergy or hypersensitivity to oregano. Based on historical use, it appears that oregano is well tolerated in recommended doses. However, reliable clinical trials demonstrating safety or efficacy of a particular dose or for a recommended treatment duration are currently lacking in the available literature. Oregano may lower blood sugar levels. Caution is advised in patients with diabetes or hypoglycemia, and in those taking drugs, herbs, or supplements that affect blood sugar. Serum glucose levels may need to be monitored by a healthcare provider, and medication adjustments may be necessary. Oregano is not recommended at doses above those normally found in food during pregnancy and lactation due to a lack of available scientific evidence.
Bureaucrat, administrator