
Common Fumitory

13 bytes added, 12:36, 12 October 2019
/* Health Benefits and Uses of Common Fumitory */
*As it possesses antispasmodic effect, it helps to normalize bile flow.
*In Germany, this herb is used to treat biliary colic.
*Fumitory is used as a cure for psoriasis, eczema, rash, acne , milk crust and scabies.
*Apply the mixture of fumitory and walnut leaves for cuts, wounds and scrapes.
*It is used as eyewash for treating conjunctivitis.
* Piotr Gorecki. Fumaria. In: Hagers Handbuch der pharmazeutischen Praxis. 5. Auflage, Band 5 (Drogen E-O), Springer, Berlin etc. 1993, S. 206–211 ISBN 3-540-52638-2
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