
Huang Lian Su

240 bytes removed, 08:47, 27 October 2019
* Use for intestinal bacteria causing bacterial dysentery, diarrhea, food poisoning, gastroenteritis, abdominal distension; also acute and chronic appendicitis, tooth abscess, canker sores, strept throat, and sinus infection.
* It is commonly prescribed in China for acute diarrhea and bacterial dysentery, and may be used for a variety of intestinal pathogens including the vacteria Proteus, Citrobacter, E.Coli, the fungus Candida Albicans, and intestinal protozoa including giardia. Coptis Huang Lian is effective for various strep and staph infections causing tooth abscess, canker sore, strep throat, sinus infection, and skin boil.
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