
Red Root

1 byte added, 11:27, 7 June 2020
[[File:Ceanothus.jpg|thumb|Alt=Ceanothus americanus|350px|left|Ceanothus americanus]]
Other Names : Ceanothus spp., Ceanothus americanus, Ceanothus azureus, Ceanothus coeruleus, Ceanothus herbaceus, Ceanothus ovalis, Ceanothus reclinatus, Ceanothus azureus, Redroot, New Jersey tea, Wild snowball, Redshank, Mountain Lilac, Buckbrush, Snow Brush, and Desert Buckthorn.<br> California native shrub with over thirty different species and hybrids found locally, Ceanothus is found mostly in the North American west, but also in the mid-west and northeast. The most widely used Ceonothus in commerce is the east coast Ceonothus americanus, but western US herbalists have found that the local species work just as well.<br>parts used: root, leaf (less common)<br>See also : [[Ceanothus]](Homeopathy)
==Special Precautions of Red Root==
*Can be irritating in higher doses; use carefully if undergoing medical treatment for any disease.
Bureaucrat, administrator