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/* The benefits of Tannins are */
* preventing tooth decay : Most noticeable among tannins’ many characteristics is their being astringent. This styptic power binds proteins located on the surface of the mouth, thereby making the harmful bacteria in the mouth ineffective while putting in check the buildup of plaque and preventing tooth decay.
* Tannins are likewise known to have antioxidant properties which can help prevent cellular damage and, therefore, may protect against heart disease and cancer. In fact, several studies have proven that the polyphenols found in red wine (resveratrol) and in black and green tea (catechins) are antioxidants that carry potential health benefits.
* Treatment or prevention of cognitive and neurodegenerative disorders, metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes, dyslipidemia or obesity : Punicalin, punicalagin, pedunculagin, tellimagrandin, corilagin, granatine a and b, terminalin (Treatment or prevention of cognitive andneurodegenerative disorders, metabolic syndrome,type 2 diabetes, dyslipidemia or obesity.(US20190000867A1)
*Antioxidant capacity for preventing or treating hypercholesterolemia and/or hypertension : Punicalagins (EP2033526A1)
* Antioxidant or anti-microbial additive, or agent for reducing nitrosamines or mycotoxins : Chestnut tannins (EP2904910B1)
* Treatment of bacterial infections : Ellagitannins (US20110105421A1)
* Inhibition or prevention of obesity, lipid storage(reducing blood triglyceride levels), hyperlipemia,arteriosclerosis and thrombosis : GA, EA, isoquercitrin, tellimagrandin I and II, pedunculagin, TGGs, PGG and di-galloyl-hexahydroxydiphenoyl-D-glucose (US7687085B2)
*Regulation of the synthesis and secretion of cytokines, including TNF-� and IL-1 : Gallotannins and ellagitannins �(US20080070850A1)
* Anti-inflammatory or anti-allergic agent by the inhibition of histamine release from mast cells. Regular oral administration of product can
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