

76 bytes added, 07:40, 17 October 2021
Other Names: Civettictis civetta, Viverra zibetha, Civet Oil . The oil of Civet is secreted by the African Civet, scientifically called as Civettictis civetta and by the Civets that are of Indian, Indonesian, Chinese and Malaysian origin, known as Viverricula indica and Viverra zibetha.<br>The oil of Civet is extracted from the musk or glandular secretion by the castoreum sacs (perineal glands near the testicles of the Civet cats) that enclose the awe-inspiring fragrance in them. Civets are medium built-up carnivorous animals and are members of the Viverridae family along with mongooses, genets and linsangs. The oil of Civet is secreted by the African Civet, scientifically called as Civettictis civetta and by the Civets that are of Indian, Indonesian, Chinese and Malaysian origin, known as Viverricula indica and Viverra zibetha.
==Special Precautions of Civet==
==Health Benefits and uses of Civet are==
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