
Tension Headache

257 bytes added, 06:49, 31 October 2021
/* Causes */
* Emotional stress : Intense feelings of anxiety can cause tension headaches or make them worse. Stress triggers the release of certain chemicals that cause tension headaches. Specific episodes of tension headaches can be related to stressful events going on in your life.
* Skipping meals : Missing a meal can cause tension headaches from the lack of glucose and fluids our brains need to function regularly. When you don’t eat regular meals, your body might be deprived of the energy required to sustain the brain’s normal activity. As our meals also contain some of the fluids required for daily fluid intake, our brains can also be stressed from not having enough fluids. If you want to fast and frequently experience tension headaches from missed meals, please consult a dietician to learn how to gain enough nutrients and fluids even when you are not following your typical meal schedule.
* [[Temporomandibular Jaw Disorder (TMD)]] : Temporomandibular jaw disorder, or TMD for short, refers to disorders involving the misalignment of the lower jaw. Symptoms include pain in the muscles located in your cheeks and temples, a clicking or popping sound when you move your jaw, and difficulty with movements like chewing and yawning. The misalignment of the jaw places stress on facial tissue and can frequently cause tension headaches. * Alcohol : Research shows that alcohol commonly triggers tension headaches in people that experience frequent ones. Alcohol widens the blood vessels in the body, causing blood to flow too quickly and freely. When this happens, it causes intense headaches. 
==Home Remedies==
* Manage your stress levels : Emotional stress is a frequent trigger for tension headaches, so managing your stress levels is an important way to manage your tension headaches. You can add meditation and deep breathing exercises to your daily schedule to relieve the stresses of the day.
Bureaucrat, administrator