
Vitamin B3

14 bytes added, 08:24, 1 November 2021
Other Names: 3-Pyridine Carboxamide, 3-Pyridinecarboxylic Acid, Acide Nicotinique, Acide Pyridine-Carboxylique-3, Amide de l’Acide Nicotinique, Anti-Blacktongue Factor, Antipellagra Factor, B Complex Vitamin, Complexe de Vitamines B, Facteur Anti-Pellagre, Niacin-Niacinamide, Niacin/Niacinamide, Niacina y Niacinamida, Niacinamide, Nicotinamide, Niacine, Niacine et Niacinamide, Nicamid, Nicosedine, Nicotinic Acid, Nicotinic Acid Amide, Nicotylamidum, Pellagra Preventing Factor, Vitamin B3, Vitamin PP, Vitamina B3, Vitamine B3, Vitamine PP.<br>Niacin and niacinamide are forms of Vitamin B3. Vitamin B3 is found in many foods including yeast, meat, fish, milk, eggs, green vegetables, beans, and cereal grains. Niacin and niacinamide are also found in many vitamin B complex supplements with other B vitamins. Even [[tryptophan]] rich foods like yoghurt and eggs may boost niacin levels. Niacinamide can be made from niacin in the body. Niacin is converted to niacinamide when it is taken in amounts greater than what is needed by the body. Niacin and niacinamide are easily dissolved in water and are well-absorbed when taken by mouth.<br>See also [[Nicotinamide]]
==Special Precautions of Vitamin B3==
While vitamin B3 (niacin) from foods is not known to cause adverse effects, side effects have been reported with preparations of niacin for disease treatment.
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