

159 bytes added, 09:36, 1 November 2021
Other Names: Bitartre de Choline, Chlorure de Choline, Choline Bitartrate, Choline Chloride, Choline Citrate, Citrate de Choline, Colina, Facteur Lipotropique, Hydroxyde de Triméthylammonium (bêta-hydroxyéthyl), Intrachol, L-Choline, Lipotropic Factor, Methylated Phosphatidylethanolamine, Trimethylethanolamine, Triméthyléthanolamine, (beta-hydroxyethyl) Trimethylammonium hydroxide.<br>Choline is a B vitamin and an essential nutrient. Choline plays an important role in a number of biological processes, including fat and cholesterol transport, energy metabolism, and cell and nerve signaling. In addition, choline is needed to produce acetylcholine (a brain chemical involved in memory and muscle control). The body produces small amounts of choline, but choline must also be included in your diet in order to maintain health. Choline is similar to a B vitamin. It is used in many chemical reactions in the body. Choline seems to be an important in the nervous system.<br>
See also :
* [[Alpha-GPC]]
Choline is a B vitamin and an essential nutrient. Choline plays an important role in a number of biological processes, including fat and cholesterol transport, energy metabolism, and cell and nerve signaling. In addition, choline is needed to produce acetylcholine (a brain chemical involved in memory and muscle control).* [[Inositol]]
==Special Precautions of Choline==
*When taken in high doses, choline can cause certain side effects (including nausea and loss of appetite). A high intake of choline may also lead to increased body temperature.
*memory problems
*In cases of severe choline deficiency, people may experience liver dysfunction, infertility, high blood pressure and hardening of the arteries (a condition called atherosclerosis). *Choline deficiency may also increase your risk for heart disease.
== Food Sources of Choline ==
Choline is similar to the B vitamins. It can be made in the liver. It is also found in foods such as liver, muscle meats, fish, nuts, beans, peas, spinach, wheat germ, and eggs. To increase your choline intake, include these foods in your diet:
*wheat germ (172 mg choline per cup)
*eggs (126 mg choline per large egg)
*skim milk (38 mg choline per 8 ounces)
*Choline Supplements
Choline chloride and choline bitartrate (two types of choline salts) are available in supplement form. Although phosphatidylcholine supplements and lecithin supplements also provide choline, these tend to contain small amounts of the nutrient.
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