

27 bytes added, 13:26, 7 November 2021
*Oxidation and Cell Growth : A number of studies conducted with mice demonstrated an ability for suma root (Pfaffia paniculata) to inhibit unhealthy cell growth in the liver. Most of these studies were conducted at the University of Sao Paolo between 2004-2009 and the results were fairly consistent: in vitro, mouse cells treated with brazilian ginseng extract showed slower cell growth and an increased rate of apoptosis (“cell death”). However, the mechanism for how this works is still largely unknown. When discussing the results, the authors were always careful to make a particular message clear : "These results indicate an antiangiogenic effect of this extract. The mechanisms of this antiangiogenic activity of P. paniculata should be further investigated." That was from the abstract of this paper. In another paper the same authors suggest that Brazilian ginseng demonstrates an ability to slow cell-growth, but it does not demonstrate any ability to mediate cell-signaling, suggesting a future path of research for brazilian ginseng’s chemopreventive mechanism. Another study treated human breast cells with a Pfaffia paniculata extract which resulted in a reduction in cell growth. These studies are encouraging, but in the long run they are far from conclusive. Most of them were conducted with mice, and focused on a particular type of cell in a very controlled situation. You need a lot more research done on this sort of thing before you can say “X causes Y” with any sort of confidence.
*Immune System Stimulation : Suma root has demonstrated an ability to increase immune cell production and overall immune system activity. Macrophages are large immune cells that act like garbage collectors in your body, and several studies have shown that macrophagic activity can increase when exposed to brazilian ginseng. Another type of molecule called a Natural Killer (NK) cell were produced in greater amounts in mice when given ginseng extract.
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