
Cherry Stems

1 byte added, 06:23, 29 December 2021
/* Health Benefits and Uses of Cherry Stems */
==Health Benefits and Uses of Cherry Stems==
In herbal medicine and herbalism, the cherry peduncle is renowned for its detoxifying , draining and antioxidant properties . Put together, its various virtues promote weight loss, strengthen kidney health and help detoxify the body.
* The diuretic and depurative virtues of the cherry tail. The cherry tail favors the purification of the blood : which means that it eliminates the poisons produced by certain microbes or certain organic decompositions. Diuretic, it is also of therapeutic interest to prevent water retention and facilitate the elimination of toxins from the body . According to research, the purifying and draining qualities of the cherry stem come from its content of natural active substances , including polyphenols and potassium salts. Traditionally, this peduncle is used to support the renal system, promote the evacuation of polluting waste that destroys our body and prevent kidney stones. Thanks to its diuretic power associated with its effectiveness against the accumulation of lymphatic fluids in the tissues, the cherry tail is a natural remedy to consider in case of edema and joint or rheumatic pain such as arthritis or osteoarthritis. , although ash leaf or Herbonata joint herbal tea is more suitable in this case. The cherry peduncle nevertheless remains an effective means of starting a process of general cleansing of the body and of fluidifying the flow of water in our organism, in order to avoid any liquid congestion in any part of it.
* The benefits of the cherry tree peduncle on the urinary system. It is a therapeutic effect associated with its diuretic and anti-inflammatory properties : consumed in good doses, the cherry tree peduncle exerts a beneficial activity for the urinary system. Thus, in addition to stimulating and increasing the secretion of urine , this ancestral remedy is indicated in cases of urinary tract infections such as:
**Infectious urethritis
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