

52 bytes added, 08:48, 29 December 2021
/* Health Benefits and Uses of Bamboo */
**Arthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Osteoarthritis
**Behterev's disease,
**Joint pain due to wear and tear,**Intervertebral disc wear and low back pain,**Protection of articular cartilage,**Back protection against overload from intensive sports,**Back protection for heavy work, lifting too heavy things.
* Good for connective tissue
Collagen is a fancy word for connective tissue. Collagen comes in different types and has various functions. It ensures supple and elastic skin, but also flexible tendons, blood vessels, cartilage, bones, urinary tract and genitals. In addition, minerals in bamboo ensure that calcium is actually absorbed by the bones. The relaxing properties of collagen are used medicinally in phytotherapy for the following indications:
Bamboo forest / Source: H. Zell, Wikimedia Commons (CC BY-SA-3.0)Bamboo forest / Source: H. Zell , Wikimedia Commons ( CC BY-SA-3.0 )
**Weak ligaments, tendency to sprain,
**brittle bones,
**Decreased elasticity of blood vessels, prevention of atherosclerosis and hemorrhoids,**Decreased skin elasticity, premature skin aging,**Slow healing wounds, acne and ulcers,**brittle hair, damaged hair roots, thin hair, hair loss,**brittle split nails,**osteoporosis,**Restoration of bone fractures.==Main Combinations==*Prevention of osteoporosis : Bamboo + [[Alfalfa]]*Fraction consolidation : Bamboo + [[Cod Liver Oil]] + [[Krill Oil]]*Back pain : Bamboo + [[Harpagophytum]] + [[Krill Oil]]
[[Category:herbal medicine]]
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