

13 bytes added, 08:38, 31 December 2021
Theobromine is the primary alkaloid found in cocoa and chocolate. Cocoa powder can vary in the amount of theobromine, from 2% theobromine to at least 10%. There are usually higher concentrations in dark than in milk chocolate. Theobromine can also be found in small amounts in the kola nut (1.0–2.5%), the guarana berry, Ilex paraguariensis (yerba mate), and the tea plant. 1 oz of milk chocolate contains approximately 60 mg of theobromine but 1 oz of dark chocolate contains about 200 mg. Cocoa beans naturally contain approximately 1–4% theobromine.<br>
See also : [[Chocolate]]
*In addition, theobromine is the chemical that makes chocolate potentially fatal to dogs who are unable to break down the chemical in the liver. This condition, although much rarer, can also occur in predisposed humans. In general, the levels of the methylxanthines in even high quality chocolates are unlikely to cause poisoning in people. Unfortunately, however, supplements containing 20 to 30 times the amount of these chemicals are now commercially available. At these levels, even healthy individuals risk a reaction.
*The source of theobromine also determines its overall benefit to an individual’s health. The high levels of fat and refined sugar in milk chocolate likely overshadow any benefit that the chemical may have on insulin levels and blood pressure. Dark chocolate, however, often contains higher levels of the chemical and lower levels of sugars. In that case, the benefits may balance just enough to allow guilt-free snacking.
==Benefits and uses of Theobromine are==
* as a vasodilator (a blood vessel widener)
* Increases brain function : When combined with natural flavanols in cocoa and tea, theobromine can actually increase a person’s brain functions. Studies have shown that the combination of theobromine and flavanols help to improve one’s mental performance. Plus, ingesting theobromine has also been observed to reduce mental fatigue.
* May Reduce the Risk of Cancer : Research also suggests that theobromine has the ability to reduce one’s risk of cancer. According to studies, it helps to prevent the buildup of certain enzymes which, when left to accumulate, can lead to the growth of cancer cells.
== References ==
[[Category:herbal medicine]]
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