
California Poppy

70 bytes added, 07:14, 4 January 2022
* It should not be taken with MAOIs, tranquilizers, CNS depressants (e.g. alcohol, opiates, benzodiazepines, anaesthetics, tricyclic anti-depressants, anti-epileptics), and Pentobarbital. It has a bitter taste so is preferable to take it as a tincture. The recommended dosage is 1-2.5 mls of the tincture (1:2 25%), 1-10g of the dried herb and 5-30g per cup when taken in infusions 3 times daily.
* Sedative medications (Benzodiazepines and CNS depressants) interacts with California poppy
==The benefits of California Poppy are==
*Anxiety. Developing research suggests California poppy, in combination with magnesium and hawthorn, might be useful in treating mild-to-moderate anxiety disorders. This combination product, called Sympathyl, is not available in the US.
* The cognitive enhancing properties of California poppy can be useful in the treatment of behavioural disorders such as ADD, ADHD in children and young adults.
* It has also been used to improve intellectual capacity, memory and concentration in the elderly.
* From an Ayurvedic perspective, California poppy cools heat in the mind by reducing excess sadhaka pitta, and so makes an excellent remedy for irritability, low self-esteem, depression, headaches, insomnia, being overly critical, over-achieving and analytical, and for OCD. As it reduces pitta in the rasa and rakta dhatus, it can be used to relieve palpitations, hypertension and pain from inflammation as in arthritis, shingles, cholecystitis and toothache. With its anulomana action it helps reduce spasm and pain in lower abdomen and so can be used to ease colic and menstrual pain. ==Main Combinations==Enuresis : [[Eleutherococcus]] + California Poppy
[[Category:herbal medicine]]
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