
Green Clay

1 byte added, 10:07, 4 January 2022
/* Health Benefits and Uses of Green Clay */
*Effective solution against oily skin : The cause of oily skin is often excess sebum production by the sebaceous glands. The skin produces sebum to protect itself against negative external influences. When the sebum production is not in balance with the daily used sebum, a visible fat layer is formed on the skin. The disadvantages of oily skin include that it is more prone to inflammation and acne formation. Regularly applying an organic green clay maskon the face reduces oily skin. The green clay does this by reducing the excess sebum formation and normalizing the functioning of the sebaceous glands. This is done without drying out the skin. It is important not to dry out the skin because the skin will then produce more sebum to protect itself.
* Acne is the result of clogged and inflamed pores. The green clay has a detoxifying effect. It treats the clogged pores and has an anti-inflammatory function. Since green clay also regulates sebum production, it prevents clogged and inflamed pores. Acne is more than something superficial, it is a condition that is often the result of an internal imbalance. A number of factors influence this. It can be an imbalance, caused by hormone fluctuations, stress, poor nutrition or by external environmental factors. It is important not only to treat the acne superficially but also to tackle the cause. A healthier diet, daily exercise and sufficient relaxation will help you progress. This is done without affecting the natural protective layer of the skin.
* cleanser Cleanser for sensitive skin Green clay is an effective cleanser for sensitive skin. Thanks to its mild structure, it deeply cleanses the skin without drying it out. Green clay is used to replace cleansing soap in people with an allergic reaction to skin cleansers and soap. Rarely, a pure natural green clay powder can cause allergic reactions or skin irritations. It is suitable even for the most sensitive skin type.* Relieves bags under the eyes and dark circles around the eyes* . Bags under the eyes and dark circles around the eyes have various causes. It can have both an internal and an external cause. Too little sleep, stress and bad eating habits are some examples of this. Green clay eye mask is a popular means to reduce the bags under the eyes and dark circles around the eyes. The natural eye mask absorbs the accumulated toxic substances under the skin and promotes blood circulation.
Positive effect in reducing cellulite or orange peel
* Cellulite or orange peel is some uneven bumpy structure in the skin caused by subcutaneous connective tissue structure that presses against the skin surface. Cellulite is not a disease, it is completely harmless and therefore has nothing to do with local inflammatory disease of the skin cellulite. 90% of all slim or curvy women have cellulite. The causes of orange peel can be hereditary. But poor nutrition, little exercise, smoking, aging, hormonal imbalance, stress or too much burden on the liver can also trigger cellulite. The use of birth control pills can also cause orange peel. With a healthy diet and daily exercise you can already reduce your cellulite to a certain extent. This of course depends on the cause per person. Green clay absorbs impurities and grease. It also stimulates blood and lymph circulation. Due to these properties, this natural type of clay is a natural means to reduce cellulite and subcutaneous fat deposits and make it more even.
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