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Beeswax comes from the honeycomb of virgin bees. Bees process honey from the nectar and then convert it into wax. Ten pounds of honey produces one pound of wax. It has a honey like fragrance. It is used as an emulsifier and stiffener.
There are 3 main types of Beeswax: Yellow, White, and Absolute. They vary in their processing methods, benefits, and uses.
* Yellow Beeswax is the natural, unrefined, and raw wax derived directly from the honeycomb.
* White Beeswax is the result of Yellow Beeswax undergoing a filtering/purifying/bleaching process. This is the type that is used in cosmetic formulations, food preparation, and in pharmaceutical products, such as ointments, soft-gel capsules, and in coating for medicinal tablets.
* Beeswax Absolute is the result of treating Yellow Beeswax with Alcohol.
==Special Precautions of Beeswax==
* Prior to using Beeswax, a skin test is recommended. This can be done by applying a dime-size amount of melted Beeswax to a small area of skin that is not sensitive and leaving it on the area for 15-20 minutes. Beeswax must never be used near the eyes, inner nose, and ears, or on any other particularly sensitive areas of skin. Potential side effects of Beeswax include sensitization, redness, pain, itchiness, burning, contact dermatitis, shortness of breath, swelling/crusting/rash around the mouth/lips/tongue, rash, tiny bumps, and difficulty swallowing or speaking. Those with hay fever, rhinitis, and allergies to pollen, propolis, or honey should avoid the use of Beeswax.
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