
Terminalia chebula

15 bytes added, 05:32, 9 November 2023
*Metabolic Syndrome : Haritaki shows promise in the treatment of metabolic syndrome, a 2010 animal-based study from Phytotherapy Research suggests. In a series of experiments involving rats with metabolic syndrome, scientists discovered that haritaki may help treat the condition by lowering blood sugar levels.
*Cavities : Using a haritaki-based mouthwash might help prevent cavities, according to a 2010 study from Oral Health & Preventive Dentistry. For the study, 30 people were given either distilled water or a mouthwash made with haritaki. In their analysis of saliva samples collected after rinsing, the study's authors determined that the haritaki-based mouthwash was significantly more effective in reducing levels of bacteria linked to the development of cavities.
==Used in Patent medicineFormulation==* [[Chyawanprash]]
* [[Abhayarista]]
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