

37 bytes added, 17:51, 11 December 2011
/* The benefits of Peppermint are */
*Stress and Anxiety : Recent studies have shown that aromatherapy using peppermint oil may help relieve anxiety, stress, emotional imbalance and stress-induced headaches or migraines. Simply light Peppermint essential oil in a diffuser or burner and relax in an easy chair nearby for 30 minutes. While you are inhaling peppermint aroma, breathe in through the nose and out the mouth and let your body loosen and relax. Listening to any of your favourite natural spa music can add to the relaxation. Repeat this aromatherapy at least 3 times a weak.
* [[Cancer]]: Current researches show that certain enzymes present in mint may help cure cancer : Mint, specifically peppermint, contains a phytonutrient known as amonoterpene which has shown the capability to thwart the growth of tumors in the liver, breasts and pancreas in animals. It has also exhibited the capacity to protect the animals’ lungs, skin and colon against the formation of cancer.
* essential oils for[[hemorrhoids]] -treatment : peppermint oil, lavender oil and , tea tree oil, cypress oil, peppermint oil.
[[Category:herbal medicine]]
[[Category:Essential oil]]