

752 bytes added, 16:22, 16 April 2012
/* Home remedies */
* medicinal mushrooms, such as the [[Shiitake]] and the [[Reishi]] mushrooms can help in boosting the immune system, thereby preventing the development of colds or flu.
*[[Black Pepper]] combined with tamarind, boil them with water and butter and ingesting the concoction to help relieve the symptoms of colds and flu. Another way is by mixing lemon juice, honey and black pepper and taking the mixture three times a day for one day to help starve cold.
* Avoid certain ‘mucus-forming foods’ such as milk and cheese at night. They increase Kapha, which is associated with ‘congestive’ disorders.
* [[Yogurt]] : Lactobacillus casei, actually give several health benefits to an individual. One of which is protection from viruses that causes colds and flu.
* [[selenium]] can work preventive.
* Thyme tea helps with coughs that are associated with bronchitis.
* Oregano tea, on the other hand, is good for sinus congestion that is very common during winter.
* Stewed fruits, such as apple, pears and peaches, cooked with cloves and cinnamon, warm you up nicely and keep the a-tissues away!
*Turmeric is a favourite spice for boosting immunity. It has innumerable healing benefits, among which is its capacity to destroy germs and ease inflammation. So, cook your greens, stews and stir-fries with a touch of turmeric. You get both golden colour and healthy respiration.
*Basil and honey make another powerful combination, because both are known to boast antiseptic and immunity-boosting properties. How about a soothing honey-basil tea? It’s delicious, too.
== Warnings ==