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/* Home remedies */
* Lemon Balm : Melissa officinalis is the scientific name of lemon balm. In the Middle Ages, it has been used to calm nerves, to reduce anxiety and to induce sleepiness. There have been several studies conducted nowadays showing that lemon balm is indeed beneficial for those suffering from insomnia. The plant is also being used to calm the nerves, especially for those who are suffering from mild anxiety.
* 5-HTP. The full scientific name is 5-hydroxy-tryptophan -- and yes, it is a form of tryptophan which transforms into serotonin in your brain to provide genuine support for sleeping. (You can also now find tryptophan supplements.) One caution: If you're taking an SSRI anti-depressant, such as Celexa, Lexapro, Paxil or Zoloft, you're already getting enough serotonin, so don't take this supplement. Otherwise, take 100 to 150 mg about an hour before you head to bed.
*[[Magnesium]]. This all-purpose mineral can really help you nod off. Chronic insomnia and magnesium deficiency go hand in hand, especially in modern times when more people are eating processed foods that have been stripped of important nutrients.Magnesium is responsible for an astonishing 300 or more essential metabolic reactions in the body and is key to a healthy nervous system. Some of its most important tasks are helping manufacture serotonin, the mood-calming neurotransmitter that converts to sleep-inducing melatonin at bedtime, and adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the main energy molecule used by your cells. It's the spark that lights your fire and the smooth mover that calms you down.
*[[Calcium]]. If you take a calcium supplement, take it at night in combination with your magnesium for best results. Western medicine and popular media have emphasized the need to get adequate calcium for healthy bones without focusing to the same degree on the need to take magnesium and vitamin D, the “sunshine hormone,” with calcium. All three are needed to maintain health.
When it comes to good sleep, calcium relaxes your muscles and helps your brain in manufacture the calming amino acid tryptophan, which is converted to serotonin and melatonin. That's another reason why having a warm milky drink full of calcium helps you sleep well.