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Other names : Fucus vesiculosus, Black-tang, Bladder,Bladder fucus,Sea wrack, Blasen-tang, Brown algae, Common seawrack, Cut weed, Dyers fucus, Fucoidan,Black tang, Rockweed, Kelp-ware, Quercus marina, Cutweed,Blasentang, Seetang.
Bladderwrack is perennial that matures on the northern coasts of the Atlantic & Pacific oceans, the North and Baltic seas and is often washed up on beaches after storms.It is a common algae in the shape of long ribbons, about 1 meter long and 5cm across, leathery, shiny, brownish-green or light yellow in colour.The main stem of bladderwrack, called as the thallus, is used for various treatment. The frond at the bottom is fan-shaped, narrow & strap-shaped , the rest flat and leaf-like in shape, wavy, many times parted into 2 with erect divisions contain a strong, broad, compressed midrib running to the apex.
Bladderwrack or Fucus vesiculosus is a type of seaweed or brown algae that grows along the northern Atlantic and Pacific coasts of the United states and the northern Baltic coast of Europe, according to the University of Michigan Health System. Bladderwrack is used in alternative medicine to treat health conditions such as constipation, heartburn, hypothyroidism, iodine deficiency and diarrhea. UMHS states that bladderwrack is generally safe, but does have some side effects and risks.
==Special Precautions of Bladderwrack==
*Acne : Bladderwrack contains high levels of iodine, which can aggravate acne in some people, according to UMHS. People who have a history of acne should not consume bladderwrack.