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/* The benefits of Arginine are */
*According to some human studies , arginine-HCL consumed at high doses (> 9 g/d) has been associated with side effects such as nausea, gastrointestinal discomfort, and diarrhea.
==The benefits of Arginine are==
Arginine is used to treat conditions that improve with increased blood flow, such as chest pains, erectile dysfunction, clogged arteries, vascular disease *Aids in liver detoxification*Detoxifies ammonia*Increases sperm count in males*Aids in kidney disorders and headaches.trauma*Maximizes protein synthesis*Helps promote a healthy heart and enhances your cardiovascular system by relaxing your blood vessels to ensure optimal lower cholesterol*Stimulates blood flow. It also helps maintain blood pressure levels in the normal range.*Helps support your immune system.Stimulates cerebral circulation*Promotes optimum growth*Helps enhance men’s sexual health. L-arginine helps increase blood flow to the penis, helps boost sperm count reduce body fat and maintains a healthy volume of semen.increase lean muscle mass*Helps keep your skin healthy. L-arginine is a component of Assists the body in collagen, production*Assists in the protein which gives your skin its elasticity and structure, and the appearance release of smoothness and youth.growth hormones*Helps promote healthy kidney function. Studies show that L-arginine helps enhance renal Enhances immune system function.*Helps boost your exercise tolerance. L-arginine may help reduce Causes retardation of tumor growth*Cancer : Inhibits cellular replication of tumors* Assists in the accumulation release of ammonia and plasma lactate, which are byproducts growth hormones* Enhances immune response*Improves rate of wound healing (in cases of physical exercise.surgical intervention)