
Infectious Diseases

20 bytes added, 15:55, 1 August 2012
/* Home remedies */
*Cultured Cabbage Juice Prepare a sterilized 1 or 2 liter glass jar or mason jar. Shred some cabbage and stuff as much as you can into the jar. Fill the jar with water and shut the lid on tight. Leave it outside the fridge. Wait 3 days. The cabbage should have a sour taste (not a rotten one - if prepared wrongly!). Drink 1/2 or 1 cup of the juice daily. Like yogurt, you can use 1/4 cup of the old batch as a starter for the next batch.
*Coconut oil Research in the Philippines by Dr Conrato S Dayrit says "coconut oil does have an anti-viral effect and can beneficially reduce the viral load of HIV patients." Use it in daily cooking and take 6-12 tablespoons a day.
*[[Psyllium husk Husk]] fiber is an excellent bowel cleanser. Psyllium husk normalizes bowel movement and absorbs toxins as it passes through the intestines.* Wild [[asparagus ]] (Asparagus Racemosus) has been used for many years as a botanical medicine in India and Asia. It contains a phytonutrient called saponins. Saponins have anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory properties. They assist with lowering blood pressure and help to control blood sugar levels.
* Black walnut tincture is not only high in a bio-assimilable, plant form of iodide, but it also has anti-bacterial, anti-parasitic, and fungicidal properties. The amount of iodine in black walnut tincture is so high that it can be used as a substitute for iodine antiseptics.
* Lignans in flax seed are anti-fungal, anti-cancer, and anti-viral micronutrients.
* [[Yogurt ]] is used for treating and preventing vaginal yeast as well as bacteria infections, and for preventing urinary tract infections.
* Maple syrup compounds help fight [[diabetes]], [[cancer]] and bacterial illnesses.
* Spinach protects the eyes, good for brain function, guards against [[Colon Cancer]], [[Prostate Cancer]] and [[Breast Cancer]], protects against [[Heart Disease]], [[stroke]] and [[dementia]], it lowers blood pressure, it's anti-inflammatory and it's great for bone health.
* The sulfur compounds in [[onions]] and [[garlic]] are the key elements for use as an antibiotic.
* phytonutrients in sea vegetables (sulfated polysaccarides also called fucans) have been studied for their anti-inflammatory properties.
* wild [[asparagus]], desert date, false daisy, curry tree, castor oil plant and fenugreek are natural weapons in fighting life-threatening secondary infections from bacteria and fungi that afflict many cancer patients whose immune systems are damaged by mainstream medicine's chemo and radiation treatments.
* [[Astragalus]] offers benefits in preventing viral infections due to its immunostimulant effects, according to the Huntington College of Health Sciences.
* Black walnut is a natural herb which contains tannins that not only kill fungal overgrowth like candida, but also kill parasites. It may be especially useful for those who suffer from both [[candidiasis]] and a parasitical infection.
* [[Grapefruit seed extract ]] (GSE): this citrus extract is a powerful natural antibiotic and is used to inhibit microbes, parasites, bacteria, viruses and 30 types of fungi including Candida yeast.
* For many years it has been known that [[Green Tea]] polyphenols actively suppress many bacterial, fungal and viral species. On the virus front, green tea suppresses the adenovirus, Epstein-Barr, herpes simplex, HIV-1 and influenza viruses.
* [[goldenseal]] has been attributed with the description anticatarrhal, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory.