

4 bytes added, 14:18, 15 September 2012
==The benefits of Barberry are==
Contains [[Berberine]]. <br>
Barberry is closely related to [[Oregon Grape]]. Barberry, [[Oregon Grape]], [[goldenseal]] and coptis [[Coptis]] all contain isoquinolone alkaloids. Berberine is the most prominent of these alkaloids and according to laboratory studies, it has an antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, hypotensive, sedative, and anticonvulsant effect. It’s possibly an immune system stimulant and helps with digestion and gastrointestinal pain. Berberine is found in the stem bark and rhizome of the plant. Berbamine is another alkaloid found in barberry and is thought to fight infections by stimulating the action of white blood cells.
*This medicinal herb has been used for more than 2500 years in Asia and the Mediterranean. In ancient Egypt barberry was used as a preventative against plague. The Ayurveda healers of India used barberry as a remedy for dysentery.
*Barberry has traditionally been used as a treatment for digestive disorders, skin irritations and lesions. It has anti inflammatory and antibiotic properties and has been used in the treatment of urinary tract and bladder infections, upper respiratory infections and abnormal uterine bleeding.