
Infectious Diseases

5 bytes added, 06:28, 29 September 2012
/* Home remedies */
* [[Astragalus]] offers benefits in preventing viral infections due to its immunostimulant effects, according to the Huntington College of Health Sciences.
* Black walnut is a natural herb which contains tannins that not only kill fungal overgrowth like candida, but also kill parasites. It may be especially useful for those who suffer from both [[candidiasis]] and a parasitical infection.
* [[Grape Grapefruit seed extract]] (GSE): this citrus extract is a powerful natural antibiotic and is used to inhibit microbes, parasites, bacteria, viruses and 30 types of fungi including Candida yeast.
* For many years it has been known that [[Green Tea]] polyphenols actively suppress many bacterial, fungal and viral species. On the virus front, green tea suppresses the adenovirus, Epstein-Barr, herpes simplex, HIV-1 and influenza viruses.
* [[goldenseal]] has been attributed with the description anticatarrhal, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory.