

884 bytes added, 05:32, 6 October 2012
Cupuaçu, also spelled Cupuassu, Cupuazú, and Copoasu is definitely not the prettiest fruit, but its health benefits are more than attractive! Just in case pronouncing this strange-looking name has you a little worried, here’s a phonetic representation to help you out: “coo-poo-wa-soo.”
This superfruit grows naturally in the lush Amazon basin as well as in the jungles of Peru, Bolivia, Brazil and Columbia. As a member of the Cacao family, Cupuacu is tasty, too! With a unique flavor that includes hints of banana, passion fruit and chocolate, you would enjoy adding this one to your diet even if it wasn’t good for you.
==Special Precautions of Cupuaçu==
==The benefits of Cupuaçu are==
Cupuacu gets its power from a superfruit from the tropical rainforests healthy dose of South America is renowned not only for its ability to melt away body fat phytochemicals and excess weight—but is also being touted as flavenoids, the modern day "fountain same chemicals that are thought to make green tea, red wine, green leafy vegetables and so many other plant-based food items extremely healthy for humans. Here’s a breakdown of youth?" the specific chemicals that give Cupuacu its superfruit status:"Superfruit" is a term first used * Polyphenolic Tannis – Found in the food red wine and beverage industry in 2005grape juice, and refers to any fruit that combines superior nutritional tannins have strong anti-inflammatory properties .Studies have shown they also have antiviral, antiparasitic and antibacterial effects.*Thegrandins – A unique polyphenol, this substance acts as a super antioxidant. powerful antioxidants Cupuacu is one of the only known sources of this healthy ingredient.Theograndins have shown great promise in destroying colon cancer cells and counteracting the damage of free radicals, which are a main contributor to premature aging.*Catechins – This antioxidant is responsible for dark chocolate’s healthy properties. and demonstrated health benefitsIn animal studies, it’s been shown to protect the brain from experiencing a stroke when included as a regular part of the diet. Cupuaçu (Theobroma grandiflorum)*Quercetin – A beneficial flavenoid, pronounced cooquercetin has strong antiviral, anti-pwahinflammatory and cancer-suefighting properties.*Kaempferol – This flavenoid, is a tree that grows also found in the fertile soil of South American rainforests—and its fruit meets all 3 qualificationsgreen tea and broccoli, protects the body from cardiovascular disease and has countless therapeutic benefits. This may be why South Americans call it .cancer.*Isoscutellarein – A powerful flavenoid that promotes a healthy heart.  "The Pharmacy * also rich in a Fruit" vitamins B1, B2, niacin, amino acids and essential fatty acids, such as Omega 3 and 6, which promote youthful, firm and elastic skin, and glossy, shiny hair.
Loaded with antioxidants, phytonutrients, flavonoids, essential fatty acids and amino acids, the cupuaçu fruit is amazingly versatile, and has been used for centuries to treat a variety of ailments. Reported health benefits include:
Cupuaçu has been used for centuries by the indigenous people of the Amazon to relieve pain, boost energy, protect against heart disease and much more. Because it gently soothes the intestinal tract, shamans have used cupuaçu to relieve abdominal discomfort, and midwives have used it to ease labor pain. But the benefits don't stop there.
Cupuaçu is Also a Highly Effective Solution for Shedding Weight and Burning Fat
Rich in vitamin C, cupuaçu restores and protects the body's C-supply, which is continually depleted by day-to-day stressors. The backbone of cell growth and regeneration, vitamin C facilitates weight and fat loss because it triggers the production of carnitine, a substance that transports fat cells to the mitochondria, where our bodies burn fat into energy. When our vitamin C levels are diminished, our bodies do not produce enough carnitine, and excess fat stays put.
Cupuaçu doesn't just burn stored fat; it also burns more calories because it boosts energy levels. Cupuaçu has a caffeine-like effect—but does not contain caffeine. Its energy-boosting effect enables you to enjoy cupuaçu without any of the drawbacks: no nervous coffee jitters or a mid-afternoon caffeine crash. It strengthens the immune system while simultaneously supporting the body's ability to fight disease.
 Theograndins: Antioxidants That Destroy Colon Cancer Cells  Cupuaçu is so rich in powerful antoxidants that scientists recently gave the new antioxidants found in cupuaçu a name: theograndins. Theograndins have shown great promise in destroying colon cancer cells and counteracting the damage of free radicals, which are a main contributor to premature aging. Cupuaçu is also rich in vitamins B1, B2, niacin, amino acids and essential fatty acids, such as Omega 3 and 6, which promote youthful, firm and elastic skin, and glossy, shiny hair.
Its anti-aging properties may be the reason why many people consider cupuaçu the modern day fountain of youth.
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