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Jaggery also known as Gud, is prepared from sugarcane juice as a traditional unrefined sugar. It has the natural goodness of minerals and vitamins which is originally present in sugarcane juice itself. The sugars present in jaggery are sucrose and glucose and is often referred as medicinal sugar because it helps in treating dry cough, indigestion and constipation too.
==Special Precautions of FlavonoidsJaggery====Benefits and uses of Flavonoids Jaggery are==
*Jaggery is prepared without the use of chemicals in its processing. It is rich in important minerals like salts, magnesium which strengthens our nervous system and helps to relax our muscles.
*Jaggery with selenium acts as an antioxidant. The potassium and sodium present in it maintain the acid balance in the body cells and control the blood pressure in the body.
Bureaucrat, administrator