

84 bytes added, 14:28, 21 October 2012
/* Home remedies */
*Several studies have shown that a clove a day of [[garlic]] inhibits bad cholesterol (LDL) production and raises the good kind (HDL).
* Fruits: citrus, tomato, rose hip, banana, and persimmon.
* Apple polyphenols target oxidized LDL cholesterol to slash heart attack risk
* Nuts and Seeds: Almonds, hazelnut, flax seed, chia seed, pumpkin seed, poppy seed, walnut, sunflower sprouts.
* Fish: sardine, salmon, mackerel, and deep/cold-water fish.
* Phytonutrients in [[Beans]] lower cholesterol.
* Nutrients found in [[guava]] have been shown to lower LDL and boost HDL cholesterol, reduce triglycerides, and lower blood pressure.
* [[Aloe Vera ]] helps in Normalize Cholesterol Levels and Maintain Heart Health.
* Artichoke has shown to significantly lowered blood ldl cholesterol levels.
* Many studies have shown that the unique fiber in oatmeal called beta-glucan, has beneficial effects on cholesterol levels. Oats also has avenanthramides, an antioxidant compound distinctive to oats that prevents the damage of LDL cholesterol. By doing so, there blood vessels are cleared of cholesterols attached to the arterial walls, and therefore reduce heart health problems.
* The bean-cholesterol association is due to the soluble fiber content of beans.
* [[Red Wine]] : By drinking red wine, the way the French do every day, blood pressure is better regulated and the total cholesterol decreased. The LDL cholesterol level also decreased, and the damage of LDL due to oxidative stress is reduced.
* [[Vitamin B3]]or niacin helps increase HDL levels.
* [[soy]] protein and its isoflavones raises 3 percent of HDL levels that could lower heart disease risk by 5 percent end soy could cause a minimal reduction in LDL cholesterol and triglyceride, another type of blood fat, and a possibility of enhancing blood vessel function.
* Moderate alcohol drinking One is increases HDL cholesterol levels and boosts the movement of removing cholesterol deposits from the artery walls.