
Gluten Sensitivity

45 bytes added, 05:42, 30 November 2012
/* Home remedies */
== Home remedies ==
* [[Glucosamine]] is a natural lectin blocker! N-acetyl glucosamine (NAG) : This is the most abundant sugar naturally found in your body. And it's also readily available in your digestive tract and your joints. That's one reason lectins are attracted to your gut and bones.This specific form of glucosamine has the uncanny ability to bind with disruptive wheat lectins called WGA. Research now shows wheat lectins create gluten sensitivities that can wreak havoc with your digestion and your life. Wheat lectins love to attach themselves to NAG. And now fortunately, there's good news: A study in the journal Pancreas shows NAG can suppress the effects of nasty WGA! By giving your body a decoy of this NAG sacrificial sugar, you protect your cellular sugars... fight off wheat sensitivities... and save your digestive health.
* [[Bladderwrack]] : A seaweed that contains a rich source of the sugar called fucose. This is the sugar that binds to Candida yeast and the stomach ulcer-causing bacteria called H.pylori. That alone makes bladderwrack a godsend, but there's more...Not only does fucose help preserve the cellular sugars that protect your intestinal lining...This remarkable seaweed has been shown to support thyroid function... boost your metabolism to help you lose weight... and douse inflammation in your body.
* [[Okra]] powder : Latches on to already existing lectins in your body. You know how slimy okra is, right? Well, imagine that slime as a big lint roller moving along your gastrointestinal (G.I.) tract. And when that slime meets up with lectins already attached to your G.I. tract, it just sucks 'em up.Plus, giving you an ample supply of this okra powder also helps clear out mucus... detoxify your gut... and keep your bowels clean.