
Chelating agents

0 bytes added, 08:16, 18 January 2013
* Chelating Agents in the Human Body and from Nature : Natural chelation takes place more commonly in our lives than you might realize.When people hear about chelation therapy, some might think about the modern-day administration of EDTA or DMSA intravenously to remove heavy metals from the body.Others might remember the first treatment of lead and arsenic poisoning with the injection of BAL in the 1940s during World War II. However, chelation therapy is more ancient and natural than you might know. In fact, long before the synthesis of EDTA, DMSA, BAL or other synthetic chelating agents to remove heavy metal toxins from the body, other chelators existed in nature and played an active role in the daily detoxification of the human body. Some of these natural chelating agents are produced in our bodies and in plants. Other agents can found in the soil’s composition (i.e. clay). * Chelating Agents in the Human Body and from Nature : The human body has its own cleansing mechanism utilizing chelating agents. Each cell in the body manufactures its own chelating agents such as cysteine, histidine, glutathione and other metallothioneins designed to remove heavy metals and other toxins. These chelating agents involved in natural chelation are amino acids. Our bodies can only synthesize these amino acids from a sufficient amount of dietary protein. For example, our bodies synthesize cysteine from the amino acid methionine found in garlic and onions.Additionally, sugars, lipids (i.e. fat) and other proteins can act as chelating agents. Recall that our own fat cells are notorious for storing sugars, minerals and toxins in the human body. See below for a more comprehensive list of over 90 sugars, lipids and proteins that function as chelators, whether weak or strong in their mobilization ability to remove metals. Natural chelation is indeed more prevalent than you think.As we age, our cells produce less and less of these chelating agents. So, over our lifetime, supplementation becomes increasingly important to remove heavy metals and other toxins from our bodies. For instance, older adults should greatly increase their supplementation of these chelating agents from plants, clay and fermented foods. Therefore an increased dietary intake of plant and animal proteins is highly recommended to keep natural chelation going.
* Cilantro and [[Garlic]] : There are two plants that function as powerful chelators, namely cilantro and garlic, and they play a great role in natural chelation. Based on the research of Dr. Yoshiaki Omura, cilantro can effectively bind and remove mercury from our nervous system. It can also remove aluminum and lead as well. Daily consumption of cilantro for up to two or three weeks can eliminate significant amounts of heavy metals through our urinary track. Also, garlic, containing both chelating amino acids L-methionine and L-cysteine, mobilizes and extracts cadmium, lead, arsenic and mercury within our bodies.
*[[Modified Citrus Pectin]] (MCP) a remarkable substance made from the inner peel of citrus fruits. MCP is one of the most powerful chelating agents I’ve ever researched -- and it’s been proven effective in human clinical studies. In one recent study, USDA scientists gave people MCP for six days. (The scientists measured the amount of toxins in the participants’ urine before and 24 hours after taking the supplement.The results were pretty amazing...The amount of deadly arsenic excreted in participants’ urine increase by 130%. The amount of toxic mercury excreted increased by 150%. The amount of cadmium excreted increased by a whopping 230%. And the amount of toxic lead excreted in participants’ urine increased by an amazing 560%!