

133 bytes added, 07:02, 26 January 2013
Cellulite (also known as adiposis edematosa, dermopanniculosis deformans, status protrusus cutis, gynoid lipodystrophy, orange peel syndrome and cottage cheese skin) is a skin condition caused by fatty deposits, which causes the herniation of subcutaneous fat within fibrous connective tissue that manifests topographically as skin dimpling to dimple and nodularityappear similar to an orange peel or cottage cheese. Cellulite generally affects middle-aged to elderly women. Men can still develop cellulite, often on but it is much more rare. A variety of factors involve the pelvic regiondevelopment of cellulite including: Heredity, lower limbsskin thickness, gender, amount of body fat, age, and abdomen. Cellulite occurs in most postpubertal females and rarely in malesdiet.<br>
Don't confuse with [[Cellulitis]] : Cellulite is considered a skin condition where as cellulitis is a bacterial infection.