
Breast Cancer

238 bytes added, 08:19, 22 February 2013
/* Home remedies */
== Home remedies ==
* [[Vitamin D]] : Scientists found that getting vitamin D from both supplementation and the sun is the most effective way to prevent and treat breast cancers. Vitamin D is a steroid hormone that affects all the cells of your body. This powerful vitamin is converted into calcitriol, which stimulates your immune system to fight cancer. Researchers at the State University of New York at Albany reported that breast cancer cells died within several days after being injected with high doses of vitamin D.
* a diet rich in [[omega-3 fatty acids]] (healthy fats found in cold water fish such as salmon and certain plant foods, including walnuts) can inhibit the growth of breast cancer tumors by 30 percent, especially if started early in life.
* [[Watercress]] reduces the presence of breast cancer tumors and prevents new blood vessels to turn into tumors.
* [[Ginger]] and its constituents have been studied to inhibit Breast Cancer.
* [[Red Cabbage]] : A study on red cabbage shows that its glucosinolate compound can prevent a variety of cancers including [[Prostate Cancer]], [[Colon Cancer]], Breast Cancer and [[Bladder Cancer]]. It also contains omega-3 fatty acids, folate, manganese, dietary fiber and magnesium – all of which are strong cancer-fighting nutrients.
* beet juice is an astonishingly effective treatment for leukemia and other cancers : betanin pigments can impede tumor cell growth in tissues throughout the body, including the colon, stomach, nerves, lungs, breast, prostate, testicles.
* [[Vitamin D]] : Scientists found that getting vitamin D from both supplementation and the sun is the most effective way to prevent and treat breast cancers. Vitamin D is a steroid hormone that affects all the cells of your body. This powerful vitamin is converted into calcitriol, which stimulates your immune system to fight cancer. Researchers at the State University of New York at Albany reported that breast cancer cells died within several days after being injected with high doses of vitamin D.
* [[Iodine]] : If a patient has dense breasts, a small daily amount of iodine–between 150 and 300mcg–from an OTC brand may help. (This iodine supplement is not the first-aid iodine that one puts on wounds.)
*[[Limonoids]] have shown cytotoxicity to breast cancer, colon cancer, pancreatic cancer, liver cancer, neuroblastoma, leukemia, melanoma and non-small cell lung cancer.