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/* The benefits of Melatonin are */
==The benefits of Melatonin are==
*Melatonin is best known as the hormone that helps us sleep.
*It has also been proven to stimulate natural "killer cells" by enhancing Interlukin-2 production.
* [[Cancer]] : Besides helping to increase longevity of cancer patients, they also report a better quality of life. It inhibits cancer cell growth and proliferation; it destroys cancer cells, stops angiogenesis (new tumor blood vessel growth), and prevents harmful forms of estrogen from stimulating cancer cell growth.
*Melatonin is believed to be responsible for the synchrony of circadian rhythm, modulating sleep patterns with day and night.
* anti-oxidant : Melatonin's antioxidant activity may reduce cellular damage such as in Parkinson's, as well as prevent cardiac arrhythmia and possibly increase longevity.
* [[Alzheimer's Disease]] : Melatonin inhibits the formation of plaques; however, melatonin, cannot reverse the formation of existing plaques, so is not useful in the treatment of the disease. Combination of regular physical activity and melatonin supplementation has been shown to provide a potent tool in the battle to prevent Alzheimer's disease.
* Other studies have found [[Migraine]] : melatonin may relieve is an effective treatment for migraine headaches, .* reduce delirium, and * improve mood disorders such as SAD, bipolar disorder and some forms of depression. * Vivid dreaming indicates melatonin is increasing REM restorative sleep  
Below are lists containing natural plant sources of melatonin. Melatonin content is in nanogram (ng) per gram of plant sample.<br><br>